Last weekend Rick Riorden, my sons favorite author, had a book signing about 5 hours away, and since we have friends that lived in the area, we made a weekend of it. I'm also very thankful to these friends because they were able to get us line tickets much earlier than we would have been able to get them ourselves, which meant a lot less time standing around waiting. Instead, we got to try out new local restaurants, shop in a gihugeic outdoor mall, including Godiva, and all in all, enjoy the company of friends we never get to see. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad my son got to experience the excitement of getting to meet his favorite author. I'm hoping one day to get to do the same...assuming I can actually decide on a favorite that is.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, the picture at the top left is a small taste of the crowd that was there, the picture at the bottom is the author himself signing a book for someone else since I dropped my phone and it turned itself off as a result when it was our turn...sigh...
Never heard of him, but a quick google solved that. He is also an acomplished adult author. You son must have been stoked. It's ironic when you compare his signings to the stories of Adrian Mckinty's. Children really do call the shots, when it comes to the mega-popularity of novels. Going to see if my kids have heard of his novels.
Yes, he had written quite a few mysteries before he found this kid's book gig. I know from our own store how popular he is, and my nephew loves them as well. That and the Alex Rider books. I started the first Percy Jackson at work one day, and thought it was good. He is absolutely great at getting kids interested in mythology. Some of them go on to read a lot more about the Greek myths, for instance. All to the good, not that I believe fiction has to be edifying.
Sean, it was exciting for him. I was surprised when I discovered Riorden had written adult novels as well. I plan to try them out one day.
Seana, my son loves mythology thanks to Mr. Riorden, and I think he's one of the main authors that got him interested in reading in the first place. He now loves reading and enjoys several different authors...Adrian being one of them.
Speaking of Greek mythology. Just started "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. She of the literary brat pack of the 80's (along with Brett Easton Ellis, Jay mcInerny, and Tama Janowitz)
I have been wanting to read this forever. It is very good so far! Either of you read it?
I've never heard of it Sean, let us know how it is. Personally, I'm not big on the mythology genre, but if it's good, I might check it out.
Glenna- It is a murder mystery set at a Vermont College in the early 1980's. The mytholgy stuff is just part of the plot. I am learning a few things though, which is cool. I'll keep you posted. It's 500 pgs, so might take a while, but def keeping my interest so far.
Sorry, I didn't realize that I hadn't pushed the email follow up button here.
Yes,I read The Secret History some years ago, and did really enjoy it. I always meant to read her subsequent novel, The Little Friend, which also got a lot of good press, but never got around to it.
My email follow up has just quit on me for some reason. Another blogger quirk I'm guessing.
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