Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The bookshelf



I'm not sure how long it took me to fill it up, my husband says less than a year, but regardless, it's filled up, and when I think about what books to send back to half price, I just can't bring myself to do it. It's sad really. Good thing we bought enough wood for 2 bookshelves :)

Oh, if you want to know what all is on there, here's a link.. bookshelf Scroll around the linked picture to see what all has been tagged, (I think I got it all).


Sean Patrick Reardon said...

Wow.That is implessive. I'm jealous

Glenna said...

Thanks Sean. I think it's becoming a bit of an obsession.

seana graham said...

Looks great. Don't give any books away that you're not ready to let go of unless dire circumstance forces you to it.

Glenna said...

Thanks Seana, and I think you're right. I've gotten rid of books before only to have to hunt them back down when I felt like re-reading them, and, there is something enjoyable about just having books you like on a shelf.